Monthly Archives: July 2021

Mandatory vaccination programmes and human rights


There has been much discussion in recent months about whether the government, and public or private sector employers, might have the right to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory. The UK government has now launched a consultation on proposals which would make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for staff working in care homes with elderly residents. This consultation is [...]

Mandatory vaccination programmes and human rights2021-07-05T16:39:23+00:00

ECHR rules compulsory vaccinations for children does not violate human rights


Terry Ang | Victoria U. Wellington Faculty of Law, NZ   APRIL 10, 2021 03:33:00 PM The European Court of Human Rights issued judgment on Thursday that mandatory vaccinations of children under the Czech Republic’s health policy do not violate Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. The policy, mandated by section 46 of the Public Health Protection Act, [...]

ECHR rules compulsory vaccinations for children does not violate human rights2021-07-05T16:25:25+00:00